
2nd Chelmsford Boys' and Girls' Brigades

2nd Chelmsford Boys' and Girls' Brigade companies are based at Moulsham Lodge Methodist Church, Lime Walk, Chelmsford, Essex and were set up in 1967/8.  In the academic year 2017/8 they celebrated their 50th anniversary year!

The younger sections of the BB and GB (5-11 years) meet together on a Tuesday evening during term time and although they spend the first 20-30 minutes together playing individual and team games, the different sections split off separately for the last part of the evening to do age appropriate badgework.

The older sections in both BB and GB (11+) meet separately - the GB on a Tuesday evening and the BB on a Friday evening.

During the summer holidays, the BB and GB (11+) spend a week at a canvas camp along with their friends from 7th Chelmsford BB who are based in Springfield. 

2nd Chelmsford Boys’ and Girls’ Brigade Companies